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Jasper – Great News

dateFebruary 17, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 2 minutes

I just got off the phone with the vet and learned some great news about Jasper’s Cushing’s and liver enzyme results. After increasing his milk thistle, his liver enzymes dropped significantly, although they remain elevated. The good thing about the decrease is that there is almost half of it. It should be said that liver enzymes can go up because a dog is on anticonvulsant medication. As for the Cushing’s, while Jasper’s resting level is normal, it went up a bit after the Cortisol injection. The vet thinks it could be in the early time of Cushing’s or might have been raised because of diabetes. For now, we’re focusing on keeping the Diabetes under control and looking out for signs of pancreatitis, again so we can act quickly when those things happen to prevent him from losing his appetite and therefore not being able to give him his insulin for those times-it’s really complicated. I… Read More

What is Temperament?

dateFebruary 9, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

In my consultations with clients on selecting their dogs, I discuss temperament as being very important in their selection. Many times, I hear, “My dog is amazing, but it’s afraid of strangers and needs more socialization.” While in some cases, you may attribute the fear to a lack of socialization, more often than not, the problem is the dog’s basic temperament. Temperament is genetically determined: it’s a mixture of various drives, nerves, thresholds, and instincts that are naturally passed along. It is not considered something that you can develop or change; it’s just the state of being that the dog is born with. Although the foundations of a dog’s temperament will remain forever, particular behaviors may be modified through training, given a capacity for adjustment in the temperament. For instance, say your dog has very high prey-drive; loves to chase a ball. When properly trained, the dog can learn to accommodate that drive. However, you… Read More