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Teaching Phase

dateMarch 28, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 2 minutes

There are 3 phases of training a dog, teaching (first phase), proofing (2nd phase) and maintenance (3rd phase). In the first phase we are teaching the dog to learn and the meaning of each command. Dogs don’t come to us speaking English or any language other then their own. They are visual learners and quickly learn what our body language means, but they need to be taught the words we use as commands. Trainers use different techniques to teach a dog. Motivational training rewards the dog for good behavior encouraging the animal to want to learn and obey you. Praise, lures, rewards, and play are often used with this style. When teaching your dog, practice each command three times this will build consistency. Praise and reward your dog when they are in the correct position or giving you the behavior you want. Use the same commands to make things clear for your dog. Consistency, clear… Read More

My Teachers

dateMarch 23, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 2 minutes

Throughout my life I have owed and been around many dogs. With each dog and dog interaction I have learned. One of the many reasons I love being a trainer is because there is always more to study. Prior to taking my Instructor Course I had developed knowledge and skills training animals. During my course I learned principals and foundation and continued to build my handling skills. I was very fortunate to train under someone who was highly skilled and knowledgeable and I continue to work with her so that I can offer my clients and their pets a high level of skill. I have worked with other experienced trainers, attended seminars, read books, watch DVDs and other people who work or are interested in dogs. I appreciate that I have had various resources in which to gain knowledge and build my skills. Some of my best teachers have been the dogs I have owed… Read More

Separation Anxiety

dateMarch 12, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes

Canine Separation Anxiety is defined as destructive or disruptive behaviors every time a dog is left alone. Dogs are social animals who form attachments to the people they live with, some dogs will panic or become anxious when separated from the person they are most attached too. Signs of Canine Separation Anxiety: Urinating or defecating while you are out Excessive licking, drooling, vomiting or diarrhea in your absence Excessive whining, howling or barking when left alone Prior to leaving your dog may show anxiety, depression, bark or whine excessively, or follow you around the house In your absence your dog may chew or be destructive in your home Your dog may cause injury to him or herself Escape behaviors such as scratching or destroying doors or windows, digging under fences, jumping fences or opening gates. Exaggerated greeting behaviors Possible Causes: Lack of Leadership and owner behavior. Lack of exercise Genetics – abnormal predisposition to dependency,… Read More