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Interesting Dog Club – My Weekend

dateMay 28, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

This weekend with the dog club was very informative and engaging sessions. There were a number of dogs with some behavioural issues, and it was amazing to see their behaviour change with the proper handling techniques. Penny, my trainer, displayed incredible patience and skill in working with these dogs. There was one case of a six-month-old German Shepherd pup being trained for Schutzhund. The puppy was awfully stubborn, obeying only when it felt like executing the “sit” command. Penny very patiently worked with the pup, correcting it while making sure it was rewarded when it complied. He seemed a bit resistant, with the pup at times actually trying to attempt to bite Penny, despite there being several equipment changes and numerous tries. She said the only reason it had not bitten yet was because it was too young. She then performed a temperament test, which was very interesting to watch. With only a little bit… Read More


dateMay 15, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

Right now, I’m working with Rogan to improve her response time to the command “platz” (down). At first, she’d be slow to commit before proceeding but after only one week of repeated training, she’s responding instantly. Alongside this, I’ve also been focusing on developing both Rogan and Gracie’s drive during training. I’m thrilled with their progress—especially Gracie, who overcame her anxieties and maintained focus in a brand-new environment. Drowning out” other dogs and human distractions, she was totally absorbed, and training was a pleasure, for both of us. With effective dog training techniques, dogs can be greatly improved in confidence and performance. Interestingly, I recently received a call from a client excited about the progress they’ve made with their dogs. Before training, walking their dogs—especially together—was a stressful and frustrating experience. However, after only 1 session, they’ve observed a big difference, too! They can thus no longer dread and abuse strolls with their dogs. While… Read More