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Stepping Stones

dateJune 26, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 2 minutes

Often people will call me with a specific problem they are having with their dog, maybe it pulls on leash or doesn’t come when called. On my first visit I assess the dog and quickly decide my plan of action. I may start off teaching the dog a command such as “look” or working on problems I see in the relationship. If the foundation isn’t right I cannot always fix the problem until I fix the foundation. It can be difficult for a client to understand, they may ask what does teaching a dog to “look” have to do with walking? Of course there are many reasons I may teach something else before working on the problem it all depends on the dog and the relationship with its owner. While I do use correction and consequences in my training, a dog needs motivation, positive reinforcement, boundaries, respect and a calm handler. Dogs will see stress… Read More

The Spoiled Dog

dateJune 13, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

A spoiled dog is not a happy well adjusted, well mannered pet. Often a spoiled dog can be unruly, stressed, dominate and impossible to live with. We all love our pets and often will spoil them, but we first must remember that for a dog pack order and rank is what they live by. A dog needs respect and must respect the pack leader, this is more important than love in a dogs eyes. Continual spoiling of our dogs is not showing them love rather we are depriving them of their basic needs. Dogs are social animals that live in packs, rank is necessary for pack survival. Imagine a company where everyone is the president each one telling the other what to do, nothing would get done. It is the same with a pack of dogs, one leader is required to lead the pack and make all the decisions. The pack needs a leader who… Read More

Root Cause

dateJune 6, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 2 minutes

As a dog trainer, it’s crucial to identify the root cause of the problems pet owners are facing with their dogs. For instance, if a dog will not listen to the “sit” command, the first thing to ascertain is whether the dog knows that “sit” means to sit. If that is uncertain, that particular dog needs to be taught that command completely through proper dog obedience training. The next thing to consider is how the dog and its owner’s relationship works. If this bond is weak or if the owner is not communicating properly, the dog may not respond well. This dynamic has to be improved and worked on to be able to guarantee good communication and cooperation. Another important aspect is assessing the temperament of the dog. Some dogs will have issues of anxiety, fear, or dominance, which do not allow them to heed commands. For cases such as this, it is best to… Read More