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What are the best rewards for dogs

dateFebruary 12, 2025 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

What are the best rewards: That all depends on your dog, for most its food, toys or affection/praise. When you choose a reward make sure it a something your dog likes and is willing to work for. If a dog is not food motivated a regular biscuit or kibble will not suffice, trying using real food, or a toy, or affection/praise. Using High Level Rewards: Using high level rewards to target certain commands, for example “come”. I always use a treat that is of high value to my dog, so they are excited and always willing to come for the treat. If your dog is having difficulty with a command, the use of high level rewards can help the dog to learn quicker and sometimes a more solid command. Rewards and Rate of Reinforcement: An environment will often provide its own training rewards for dogs, like interesting smells, other animals, or the opportunity to greet… Read More

How to Deal with Aggressive Dog Behavior with Professional Training in Durham Region

dateFebruary 11, 2025 author
dateReading Time: 9 minutes

Is your lovable little dog suddenly acting like Cujo, making you wonder if you adopted a cute companion or a tiny, fluffy tornado of destruction? Plenty of other puppy parents would agree with you! Most people don’t realize just how common aggressive dogs are, but fortunately, aggression can be managed via the right tools and approaches. If you are looking for dog training in Canada, then you have found it in the Durham region. At K9Manners, we’re really terribly good at transforming angry growling into happy wagging tails and will coach you and your pup on this road toward success with confidence. Why Is My Dog Acting Like a Furry Hulk? Before we delve too far into solutions, let’s talk about some reasons your dog may be auditioning for the role of “Guard Dog Extraordinaire.” Aggressive dogs might be acting the way they do for different reasons. Fear or anxiety: Your pup could feel threatened… Read More

Top Dog Training Programs in Oshawa for Every Breed & Age

dateFebruary 7, 2025 author
dateReading Time: 7 minutes

Welcome to K9 Manners, Oshawa’s one-stop shop for professional Dog training! Be it rowdy puppyhood, energizing adult stages, or calm and wise old age, we know that every dog has his own needs and behaviors. In this blog, we shall explore together the most trained and retrained dog programs in Oshawa tailored for each breed and age. If you are seeking out dog training near you Oshawa, you’re covered by us! Let’s go and understand more about professional dog training and behavior so that you can assist your furry buddy in being the best of himself! Understanding Dog Behavior Training Before delving into specific programs on offer, we should understand what dog behavior training really entails. This is all about teaching dogs to behave quite well and to keep away unwanted behaviors. It can be everything from basic commands to fixing behavioral issues, all to ensure that the relationship between you and your dog allows… Read More

How to Find the Best Puppy Training Classes in Whitby

dateFebruary 7, 2025 author
dateReading Time: 7 minutes

To introduce a puppy into a home is something that brings both joy and excitement even though it has its own challenges. One of the things that most people know about puppies is that they can be awfully cute however they require training to become balanced and well-behaved dogs. Puppy professional training may include nipping, barking sessions or teaching your dog basic command words such as “Stay” and “Sit”. Picking puppy training classes therefore becomes the first step in doing things right. If you live in Whitby, you must be wondering where to find the affordable puppy training Whitby? This is a guide on the criteria for selecting the best puppy training classes in Whitby alongside tips on finding cheap ones with real results. Why Puppy Training is Important Training is vital for puppies as well as their owners. This equips the new pup with skills that enable good behaviour and interaction with their environment…. Read More

What Are the Most Effective Solutions for Managing Dog Separation Anxiety?

dateFebruary 6, 2025 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

Coming home to find your dog trembling, drooling, and obviously miserable will surely be heart-wrenching. You might discover that your furry friend has chewed through the couch cushions or that there’s a mess stuffed right next to the door. Such signs might mean that your dog is suffering from a separation anxiety condition, which entails wildly extreme stresses not only for your animal but for you as well. Separation anxiety results when dogs become too dependent on their owners. Dogs usually panic and develop fear upon being left alone. But don’t fret- dog behavior training for anxiety can help ease their pain. here are certain ways in which you can train your little furry baby not to be such a diva when you’re out of sight. Thus, let’s talk about various tips and tricks that can help you manage separation anxiety in dogs. The Gradual Houdini Act: Leaving Without Leaving! There are cases where your… Read More

Root Cause

dateJune 6, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 2 minutes

As a dog trainer, it’s crucial to identify the root cause of the problems pet owners are facing with their dogs. For instance, if a dog will not listen to the “sit” command, the first thing to ascertain is whether the dog knows that “sit” means to sit. If that is uncertain, that particular dog needs to be taught that command completely through proper dog obedience training. The next thing to consider is how the dog and its owner’s relationship works. If this bond is weak or if the owner is not communicating properly, the dog may not respond well. This dynamic has to be improved and worked on to be able to guarantee good communication and cooperation. Another important aspect is assessing the temperament of the dog. Some dogs will have issues of anxiety, fear, or dominance, which do not allow them to heed commands. For cases such as this, it is best to… Read More


dateMay 15, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

Right now, I’m working with Rogan to improve her response time to the command “platz” (down). At first, she’d be slow to commit before proceeding but after only one week of repeated training, she’s responding instantly. Alongside this, I’ve also been focusing on developing both Rogan and Gracie’s drive during training. I’m thrilled with their progress—especially Gracie, who overcame her anxieties and maintained focus in a brand-new environment. Drowning out” other dogs and human distractions, she was totally absorbed, and training was a pleasure, for both of us. With effective dog training techniques, dogs can be greatly improved in confidence and performance. Interestingly, I recently received a call from a client excited about the progress they’ve made with their dogs. Before training, walking their dogs—especially together—was a stressful and frustrating experience. However, after only 1 session, they’ve observed a big difference, too! They can thus no longer dread and abuse strolls with their dogs. While… Read More

Separation Anxiety

dateMarch 12, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes

Canine Separation Anxiety is defined as destructive or disruptive behaviors every time a dog is left alone. Dogs are social animals who form attachments to the people they live with, some dogs will panic or become anxious when separated from the person they are most attached too. Signs of Canine Separation Anxiety: Urinating or defecating while you are out Excessive licking, drooling, vomiting or diarrhea in your absence Excessive whining, howling or barking when left alone Prior to leaving your dog may show anxiety, depression, bark or whine excessively, or follow you around the house In your absence your dog may chew or be destructive in your home Your dog may cause injury to him or herself Escape behaviors such as scratching or destroying doors or windows, digging under fences, jumping fences or opening gates. Exaggerated greeting behaviors Possible Causes: Lack of Leadership and owner behavior. Lack of exercise Genetics – abnormal predisposition to dependency,… Read More