In my consultations with clients on selecting their dogs, I discuss temperament as being very important in their selection. Many times, I hear, “My dog is amazing, but it’s afraid of strangers and needs more socialization.” While in some cases, you may attribute the fear to a lack of socialization, more often than not, the problem is the dog’s basic temperament. Temperament is genetically determined: it’s a mixture of various drives, nerves, thresholds, and instincts that are naturally passed along. It is not considered something that you can develop or change; it’s just the state of being that the dog is born with. Although the foundations of a dog’s temperament will remain forever, particular behaviors may be modified through training, given a capacity for adjustment in the temperament. For instance, say your dog has very high prey-drive; loves to chase a ball. When properly trained, the dog can learn to accommodate that drive. However, you… Read More