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My Vet is Leaving

dateFebruary 10, 2025 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

I was lucky enough to find a very good vet when Jasper turned one. The lady was simply awesome and was very caring toward my pets. Instantly, it clicked with me that she had my animals’ best interests in mind, worked well with them, and put in charge the way an expert vet should do: no unnecessary fooling around with money. So much so, having a vet you could trust is such an assurance when you think of the fact that your pets can never tell you when they are hurting. Jasper has just had a slew of health issues, and once again my vet has shown great commitment. She even gave me her home phone number, which means if Jasper needs something in the night, I can ask for her help on the spot! That is rare, and I appreciate it. Sadly, this will be her last week at the clinic, as she is… Read More

What Are the Most Effective Solutions for Managing Dog Separation Anxiety?

dateFebruary 6, 2025 author
dateReading Time: 5 minutes

Coming home to find your dog trembling, drooling, and obviously miserable will surely be heart-wrenching. You might discover that your furry friend has chewed through the couch cushions or that there’s a mess stuffed right next to the door. Such signs might mean that your dog is suffering from a separation anxiety condition, which entails wildly extreme stresses not only for your animal but for you as well. Separation anxiety results when dogs become too dependent on their owners. Dogs usually panic and develop fear upon being left alone. But don’t fret- dog behavior training for anxiety can help ease their pain. here are certain ways in which you can train your little furry baby not to be such a diva when you’re out of sight. Thus, let’s talk about various tips and tricks that can help you manage separation anxiety in dogs. The Gradual Houdini Act: Leaving Without Leaving! There are cases where your… Read More

Dogs and the Heat

dateJuly 4, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 2 minutes

This is a good time to remind people about their canine friends and the heat. Taking proper precautions will keep your pet cool and safe from heat stroke. Dogs need adequate fresh cold water, I like to add ice cubes or crushed ice. If you are traveling with your pet always have cool water assessable using a portable container. For the backyard, have cool drinking water, and maybe a small pool or sprinkler. A dog cannot not sit out in the hot sun all day they must have shaded areas where they can cool down. Tents, gazebos, trees offer shade for your furry friends. I do not let my dogs spend much time out in the hot humid heat, I prefer that they are in an air conditioned areas where they can lie on a cool floor, this is best for all dogs. If it’s too hot outside for humans than its too hot for… Read More

Vaccinations – Are our pets being over-vaccinated?

dateApril 13, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 4 minutes

Please know these are my personal opinions I am expressing based on research and seeing first hand the affects of vaccinations in animals. I feel every pet owner should make their own informed choice. Many pet owners are unaware of the latest standards and don’t question their vets on practices that may be causing their pets harm. It is time consuming doing your own research but it is my passion to give my animals the best affordable care I can, so they can live long healthy lives! With all my pets I always had them get their yearly vaccinations. When my own dog developed multiple illnesses and I switch to the raw diet, I started reading articles on the dangers and affects of vaccinations. I have seen in my own dog’s behavior changes and I believe health issues attributed to vaccinations as well as many of the dogs I have worked with soon after being… Read More