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dateSeptember 25, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 3 minutes

I have not blogged for a while as I have not been able to write about the loss of my best friend, loyal companion and my heart. Over the next few blogs I will be telling his story, maybe it will help others and bring me some peace. Jasper was a sweet boy with an old soul. His eyes said it all, he touched many hearts. His calm manner and patience I have not seen in many dogs. Jasper was very intuitive, he knew when to give people or animals their space, he didn’t push. Jasper would wait till they overcame their own fears and accepted him. He socialize many puppies, aggressive dogs, and he was a quiet leader who had respect from other members in his pack. Jasper did not have to fight or show aggression his quiet unassuming demeanor said it all. I enjoyed training with Jasper so much that I became a… Read More

Jasper – Great News

dateFebruary 17, 2012 author
dateReading Time: 2 minutes

I just got off the phone with the vet and learned some great news about Jasper’s Cushing’s and liver enzyme results. After increasing his milk thistle, his liver enzymes dropped significantly, although they remain elevated. The good thing about the decrease is that there is almost half of it. It should be said that liver enzymes can go up because a dog is on anticonvulsant medication. As for the Cushing’s, while Jasper’s resting level is normal, it went up a bit after the Cortisol injection. The vet thinks it could be in the early time of Cushing’s or might have been raised because of diabetes. For now, we’re focusing on keeping the Diabetes under control and looking out for signs of pancreatitis, again so we can act quickly when those things happen to prevent him from losing his appetite and therefore not being able to give him his insulin for those times-it’s really complicated. I… Read More