Dog training is not just about commands and clickers; it also includes what goes into their bowl! Just like you wouldn’t run a marathon on a diet of fast food, your dog also needs the right kind of nutrition to stay alert and focused. Now let’s dive into the details of how food can be a great contributor to success in training, from the best dog diets down to the selection of dog training treats. Why is diet so important in dog training? How many times did you find yourself teaching your dog a new trick only to witness it staring blankly in your direction, yawning, and walking away? The fault might not be in your training methods, after all; it’s in their diet! The general theme of bad nutrition of dogs and its behavioral correlations seems well narrated. Proper nutrients keep your dog’s brain firing on all cylinders, which helps to improve focus and… Read More
Why Local Dog Training is Better Than Online Courses for Brooklin Owners

So, you’ve just got a new puppy, or your old buddy really needs some manners. You turn on your PC and find a thousand dog training courses promising a “perfect pooch” with a couple of videos. Pretty tempting, right? But wait! Sure, online courses may seem convenient, but nothing beats the hands-on, local dog training, especially for Brooklin dog owners. Let’s get into some reasons why in-person training is the best way to ensure your pup becomes a well-mannered, tail-wagging little genius! Real-Time Feedback (Because Dogs Don’t Speak Wi-Fi) Ever tried explaining to your dog to “sit” while watching a YouTube tutorial? Yeah, good luck with that. The dog acts better on real-time feedback, and that’s what local training provides. Our expert trainers at K9 Manners provide immediate corrections of encouragement and coaching according to the specific behavior of your dog. Online courses? They might tell you what one should do but won’t tell what… Read More
My Vet is Leaving

I was lucky enough to find a very good vet when Jasper turned one. The lady was simply awesome and was very caring toward my pets. Instantly, it clicked with me that she had my animals’ best interests in mind, worked well with them, and put in charge the way an expert vet should do: no unnecessary fooling around with money. So much so, having a vet you could trust is such an assurance when you think of the fact that your pets can never tell you when they are hurting. Jasper has just had a slew of health issues, and once again my vet has shown great commitment. She even gave me her home phone number, which means if Jasper needs something in the night, I can ask for her help on the spot! That is rare, and I appreciate it. Sadly, this will be her last week at the clinic, as she is… Read More
How to Help Your Dog Safely Enjoy the Holidays

Oh, it’s the holidays! With twinkling lights, special feasts and loved ones all in one place, it’s a great time of year.-its one of the best times of the year. It is so easy to get lost in the ring-a-ding of bells, and, of course, hot cocoa, but while you’re doing so, remember that your furry best friend also deserves a sprinkle of holiday magic. So what can you do to make your dog’s holiday season safe and merry? This article shares the practical pet-friendly holiday tips that will have your dog wagging their tail with delight! Avoid the Holiday-Dangers The holidays pose their share of potential hazards for your pooch-from tinsel to turkey bones, there’s a lot of trouble around. But do not worry! It is really not as hard as you might think to keep your dog safe. Toxic treats: Those are the killable sweets. Stuff like chocolate, raisins, and some spices (nutmeg)… Read More

I have not blogged for a while as I have not been able to write about the loss of my best friend, loyal companion and my heart. Over the next few blogs I will be telling his story, maybe it will help others and bring me some peace. Jasper was a sweet boy with an old soul. His eyes said it all, he touched many hearts. His calm manner and patience I have not seen in many dogs. Jasper was very intuitive, he knew when to give people or animals their space, he didn’t push. Jasper would wait till they overcame their own fears and accepted him. He socialize many puppies, aggressive dogs, and he was a quiet leader who had respect from other members in his pack. Jasper did not have to fight or show aggression his quiet unassuming demeanor said it all. I enjoyed training with Jasper so much that I became a… Read More
Humanizing our dogs?

Dogs are wonderful, they are loyal companions that bring us great comfort. My own dogs make me laugh and enrich my life in many ways. As humans we tend to label what we know and understand by attaching human emotions to our dogs. I hear it all the time, an owner will say to me “my dog is jealous” because that’s how the human would feel, not the dog. What humans call jealousy is one of two things in dogs, either competition or straightening out the pack order. The dominate dog will push the more submissive dog out of the way to get attention and this is pack order not jealousy. Dogs also do not feel hate, spite or guilt, this is placing human emotions to explain their behavior. Dogs simply do not have complex thinking or feel emotion in this way. Dogs will display unwanted behaviors because they are bored, lacking in exercise, or… Read More
Should I get one pup or two?

I love living with multiple dogs, I find it interesting and a learning experience, BUT, I will never recommend getting two pups especially from the same litter to my clients. I strongly believe you need to have the right dogs living together with the right owner. As a trainer I have seen how strongly dogs bond together making it difficult or impossible to build a strong bond with the handler or owner. A dog that is indifferent or is not bonded to its owner will be difficult to train and live with. Dogs are pack animals, and in the pack there is rank order. Dogs will always bond strongly with each other, after all they speak the same language and are of the same species. Every dog that comes into your life needs time to build a relationship with you, and bond with you. Every addition to the pack will increase the pack instinct, and… Read More