The time we spend traveling in the car together will benefit us in bonding and give Rogan every chance to get used to traveling with me on client visits. She has already shown that she makes an excellent travel companion, like my other dogs, and I just love having her by my side. In about a month, I would know if she is ready for that position or, much as I may not want to realize it, if she still needs extensive training to get her where she needs to be for it.
Training at home with Rogan is doing well, although I’ve managed only little practice in the last week due to my workload. I wish I had five extra hours a day!
The drive skill is being taught, although Rogan obviously loves it. A rather enjoyable experience for all of us! I have been expecting it, although work has held me back from training the way I’d like to do lately. Dog Club is coming up this weekend, and I’m looking forward to it! This is an important part of our dog training journey, and each step brings us closer to our goal!
With the Dog Club training in tracking coming through for Rogan, bigger plans like BH titles in the future intend also for pet visits and demonstrations. Unlike Jasper, she is somewhat different composition-wise, and cannot social with dogs. Yet, her obedience is less than perfect, and I am taking it very seriously to build her in that regard. She has got to learn the ropes of the other responsibilities, so I won’t rush her into taking them up-I will do it step by step, maybe starting from car rides before moving on to organized classes.
As I keep Building a bond with your dog through training, Rogan and I will evolve together, taking our abilities to new levels!